Rainwater harvesting

20 Jun 2022 12:48:03
Rain-water-harvesting using water falling on the roof is the simplest method of ground water re-charge and it can be implemented by everybody. At the micro level, the scale could be a single household, and it can be scaled up infinitely, as it can be implemented at every structure where potential for roof water collection and re-charging or storage of water exists.

Rainwater harvesting 
Sevavardhini has been working on rainwater harvesting and trying propagate it in the rural areas. We seek your support in implementing it on a large scale across the country until it becomes a people’s movement.
For donors who wish to contribute to this project, the approximate cost is given below.
Activity  Approximate Cost
Selecting one suitable site and implementing rain-water-harvesting Rs. 50,000 to 1 lakh(0.05 to 0.1 million)
Implementing 10 sites in one village (typically all public buildings)
Rs. 3 to 8 lakhs (0.3 to 0.8 million)
Implementing RWH for all houses (typically 100 households in a village)
Rs. 20 to 50 lakhs (2 to 5 million)
Implementing 10 structures in each of 35 districts
Rs. 2.55 crores (25.5 million)

If you are interested in knowing more about or supporting our rainwater harvesting initiative, do contact us 
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